8 Tips for Acquiring Quality Facebook Fans

1. Analyze your content effectively with Facebook Insights.

Facebook made some great changes to their Facebook Page layouts and you can now preview of Facebook Insights by clicking on your Page. It’s a great reminder to figure out which content is most effective with your audience.

You can use Page Insights by clicking on your Facebook Page’s Admin Panel.

It's very important to track Virality. What is Virality? Percentage of users who have created a story (liked, commented on or shared) from your post is called Virality.

 “Facebook Insights" To learn more about to Analyze Your Facebook Content Marketing.

2. Facebook Page link Syndicate throughout the internet.

Spread your Facebook page globally by putting your Page link in your Twitter description, on your Pinterest profile, or any of your social networks, find a place in your bio to add a link to your Facebook business page.

Even add the link to your personal Facebook timeline and link to it on personal blog in articles (if you have one).

3. Always Consider timing

Important aspect of anything is called Timing - frequently posting in a short period of time is totally a waste of your time. Wait at least 2 hrs to avoid hurting your success with Facebook’s Edge Rank.

If you are posting frequently in a certain period of time Edge rank will single your Page out. your page post doesn’t need to be seen in as many News Feeds, therefore limiting your reach.

4. Suggest your page to your friends

If you are constantly asking people to like your Page, they will become annoyed. It’s not recommended to suggest your page to all of your friends, unless they are your close friends and family members.

5. Published widgets on your website/blog

By placing widgets on your website/blog and link through your Facebook Page will make it easy to like through your website/blog. Another convenient way for your fans is to share your widgets of your blog and it is easiest way to share your content on Facebook.

6. Run your Contests.

Promotions and contest running on your Facebook page engage viewers and attract new fans. There is no technical requirements to set up your contests. Contests always multiply your fans and your level of engagement and no matter how many fans you currently have.

7. Use Facebook Ads Boost.

Facebook Ads is also a great way to target new users it's also a very powerful platform to boost your campaign make you capable to reach your audience. Use knowledgeable content so your fans know you provide value.

8. Add your email signature with your Facebook page link.

Email signature is the easy way for people to check your business. On daily basis you send so may emails by attaching your Facebook page link make it easily accessible for your fans.